Felice Cotignola Is ALFA's Friday Featured Attorney of the Week
What is your most memorable ALFA International moment?
Every minute I spend with my ALFAI family and friends is a truly memorable one. I have met the most wonderful friends from all over the world who have enriched my life, made me laugh, supported me through difficult times, and taught me valuable lessons about respect, trust, loyalty and unconditional friendship. Some of my closest friends are ALFAI attorneys and clients who I have worked with, golfed with, cruised with, paddled with, danced with, cooked with, shopped with, played beach volleyball with and sipped margaritas at the pool with!
But of course I would have to say that one of my most memorable ALFAI memories was when I participated in the ALFAI-Mayflower Practical Driver Training Institute in Indianapolis! The goal was to teach ALFAI attorneys how to drive a tractor trailer so we could better defend our clients in the transportation industry. It all went very well for me until they left me alone in my own tractor trailer and told me to parallel park! Did they not know that I can't even parallel park my own car? I got my certificate finally but my firm also got a hefty bill after I stripped some gears, got several safety cones wedged under the tractor and slightly damaged the side of the trailer. The memories, the laughs, the tears and the shear embarrassment......I will never forget any of that! It will always be on my top ten list.
What is something most people don't know about you?
*I worked as a line manager in a Danish steamship company booking cargo on ships that sailed from the United States to West Africa for four years while I went to law school at night.
*I was runner up to Homecoming Queen in high school.
*I was a mean baton twirler.
*At my daughter's grade school bake sale, my cake was the only one that did not sell.
What made you choose to become an attorney?
I was a debater in high school. We debated teams all across the country and I loved it! So, of course, everyone told me I should be a lawyer. After I graduated college, I went to law school at night while working full time during the day. It's not quite like the debate team, but I could not imagine any other career as satisfying and challenging as this one is for me.
What is your favorite pastime out of work?
I just started playing golf a few years ago but I am going to have to be honest....my favorite pastime out of work is shopping. And....I have done my share of that with some of the most amazing ALFAI attorneys and clients, both national and international in just about every city you could imagine!